Photocredit: Joonsoo Park

Seolhee (Snow) Kim has focused on representing the inspiration she finds in arts, nature, life, and the world we live in. She has exposed herself to various artistic experiences and loves collaborating with other artists. Her music has been performed professionally by artists including Contemporaneous, Finger Lake Chamber Ensemble, ModernMedieval, the Momenta Quartet, Opera Elect, Heartland Marimba Quartet, Andrew Fuchs, Jacqueline Horner-Kwiatek, Nicaulis Alliey, and Joseph Rebman, and at LunArt Festival.

She holds an M.M. in Composition from SUNY Binghamton, where she studied composition with Daniel Thomas Davis as well as a BM in Composition and a BA in Art history from Ewha Womans University. She is currently pursuing a DMA in Composition at the University of Kansas.